Meet Akasha
Everyone has something that drives them to explore. For Akasha, it was learning how to communicate, and a desire to read the way the universe speaks. At the age of 21 she entered the beginning of this journey, beginning with the study of Tarot- a remarkable tool which feeds the imagination with deep symbolic insights into the right brained perspective of life. Story telling, mythology, metaphors. Ways to understand how life works, in its most mystical of senses.
A car accident in 1996, both extremely frightening and yet without great harm to anyone, changed Akasha’s considerations for the future. She found herself thrust into a healing process which required more of her attention. All of a sudden she was connecting with things that seemed frightening and large. She was pushing up against the edges of what she knew, who she thought she was, and what she was prepared to actually do with all of it.
And so, in 1997 she diverted her path from the intellectual goals towards that of healing. She attended her first massage training. She began exploring astrology. She began to face the great unknown of her unconscious mind-something of a quest to uncover and honor properly.
As Akasha moved into the healing realm, she realized that there was so much more to herself than she had any real clue about. The journey became about making conscious connection, and differentiation from the stories of the mind that are held in the body. Learning how to actually be present and embodied.
Becoming the healer that Akasha is today has been about time spent learning her craft, as well as sitting on the flames of the fire-cooking, and moving through the growing pains of life. Coming to awareness of ourselves is a life long process. It takes courage, curiosity, and patience. Akasha’s tools are forms that have served in her own awakening process- and which are dedicated in her service to you as gifts to your own-from the inside out.